Today was a nice eventful day as it relates to piano pedagogy publications. I stopped by the School of Music today to drop off my students' grades, and also have a nice holiday lunch with fellow GAs, faculty, and staff. In my school mailbox, I received my copy of the Winter 2005 issue of Keyboard Companion. Yay, I got to see my article(s) in print finally. It really was cool to share some published real estate with Paul Sheftel. I officially met him at NCKP this past August, and you couldn't have met a nicer guy.
I also got home to find the December/January issue of American Music Teacher in my mailbox. I was wondering where it was. Over the weekend, JonE from Piano Pedagogy Plus posted an announcement about my software review showing up in this magazine, but I hadn't received my copy yet. By the way, if you haven't checked out the Piano Pedagogy Plus Forum, you really should. It's a great place to share teaching ideas as well as help some students out from around the world.
So back to the AMT magazine! I immediately skipped to the Reviews section (I promise I'll read the rest of it after I get done posting here!), and there on page 76 (kind of buried in the back of the magazine, but who cares?) was my review of the Virtual Grand Piano Software.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the way they came out, and they even spelled my name right!! Seriously, I'm thankful to the editors of both publications for giving me this opportunity, and especially George Litterst of Timewarp Technologies for helping open up some of these doors for me.
Here's a special hello to someone who I haven't heard from in a LONG time (maybe 10 years?)
JACQUES, ol' Temple U piano buddy! Thanks for subscribing through the Feedblitz service. Drop me a line to let me know what you're up to!
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